Here's What EA showed at E3 2018

This Morning in Los Angeles Electronics Arts had E3 2018 press Conference in which they announced new Star Wars game, an Unravel sequel, and took a longer look at BioWare’s upcoming RPG Anthem, which is out next February.

Here's what EA announced and showed up at E3

Anthem is Launching February 22nd, 2019

After announcing in last year, Mass Effect studio BioWare’s new game Anthem was due for a bigger reveal in 2018. It is a shared-world role-playing game set in a hostile future, where players don powered armor suits known as “javelins” to play cooperative missions. EA didn’t disappoint with its reveal: it offered a release date, some more details, and a few minutes of gameplay. The footage so far makes it look like a combination of mech warfare, Destiny-style massively multiplayer gameplay, and the epic science fiction that BioWare is known for. Anthem will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 22nd, 2019.

Battlefield V will have a battle royale mode

  EA had already announced its Battlefield V, before its E3 keynote. But now they have announced more destructive environment and Battle Royale mode.
 In the World War II-based Battlefield V, tanks can blast through buildings and destroy cover in real time. Also, your character can dive-roll through windows? “No loot boxes. No premium pass,” the developers reiterated on stage.
They also announced “royale reimagined” for Battlefield, meaning that Battlefield V will be getting a battle royale-style gameplay mode.The developers said they’ll have more to share on that mode later in the year, and we’ll see more of the game at Microsoft’s Xbox conference tomorrow.

Unravel 2 brings Yarny back for a co-op adventure, out today.

The first Unravelis with adorable yarn protagonist Yarny, although it sometimes frustrated us with its challenging puzzle platformer gameplay. Now, it’s getting a sequel called Unravel 2, which is supposed to be “friendlier,” “more challenging,” and “more playful” than its predecessor. Among other changes, Unravel 2 will feature two Yarny characters, which means that either one player can control both, or two people can play cooperatively. Unravel 2 is not only  announced today but also released immediately on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Sea of Solitude is all about loneliness and depression.

 It is EA's Indie from German studio Jo-Mei Games. The game was introduced in a winningly wandering way by writer/creative director Cornelia Geppert, who seems pretty great. It’ll be out in early 2019. Check out Intro.

Command & Conquer is returning as a mobile game.

After those announcements, EA hosted a resoundingly unexciting stage demo of a new competitive Command & Conquer mobile game. It’s called Command & Conquer: Rivals and it definitely looks a competitive mobile RTS.  You can watch a gameplay overview here.

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